Our Grand Purpose
"In most successful, closely held businesses, the complexity isn't in the size of the owners' balance sheet, but in the dynamics of the family.
We're dealing with incredibly successful human beings. Other people are going to drink from the well they've created for a very long time, so getting clear direction,
input and feelings help us architect a plan that fits into their dreams, fears, goals and heartfelt objectives."
– Randy Johnson
Grand Purpose Thinking
Intentional planning...with purpose...and on purpose
At The Johnson Company, we recognize planning has historically been done in silos with little, if any, communication among the client's
key personal and financial advisors. Not only does this result in a less than ideal product - it's an inferior experience for everyone.
By contrast, The Johnson Company approach goes to the heart of who we are and the potential our actions can have in the lives of our clients and their loved ones.
We each strive to serve as client advocates - working alongside a team of professionals dedicated to placing a ribbon around our clients' ever-changing business matters.
Our grand purpose is to help clients put their planning in place, enabling each individual to hold on to what they have worked a lifetime to create.
These three principles are the foundation of our approach:
Discovering What Matters Most
Randy will get to know you and discover your personal goals through confidential conversations. To ensure he understands what you need, he must first feel what is in your heart and
mind and explore the unique complexities of your life. Only then can he help your team develop actionable strategies to help you find peace of mind.
Intentional Planning Means Playing Team
To truly get your affairs in order, it is crucial your advisors have a passion for the process and work with the conviction to help keep together everything you've worked a lifetime to
create. Randy will engage your circle of advisors and ensure the highest standards of excellence are embraced to build a cohesive and comprehensive plan.
Promises Made/Promises Kept
Once you have selected your desired approach from a menu of options, Randy will engage his back office team to expedite the plan. They will secure the necessary data and documentation
from you to implement your plan and ensure that the promises made in the planning stages are kept.
For more information,
check out our Promises Made ... Promises Kept brochure.